Summer is officially just days away and our last day of school was last week!

Due to COVID-19, remote learning and a change in the school calendars for this year and next, the girls will have over a two month summer this year. This will definitely be the longest stretch of time I have been home with the girls since I was a full time stay-at-home mom with toddlers.

Back then, I made bucket lists to fill our summer days consisting of activities like playing in the plastic pool in the backyard, visiting a museum, eating popsicles and watching caterpillars turn into butterflies.

Now, not only am I sort of out of practice I can say with relative certainty those bucket lists from years ago would no longer work for us. Many places are still closed – museums and such – and others I am personally not ready to visit while the number of COVID-19 cases in NC are on the rise. Also, my 11 and 13 year olds are probably not going to find playing in a $10 plastic pool quite as thrilling as they once did!

So after browsing blogs and articles, reading through the many summer lists available, we started a list for this summer. I do not consider this a “bucket list” – there is no goal to get all of these things marked off as complete – we do not need that added pressure right now.

Instead, this is our Summer Inspiration list! Things that sound like fun or things we have been saying we would like to do but never make the time, those things we seem to never get around to doing.

I thought I would share the list here. Maybe you find yourself in a similar situation. Maybe our list will inspire your summer as well!

Tiffany Family