March 14, 2020 – A “Regular” Saturday

It feels like a regular Saturday. I have been working from home for the past three days. A few states are implementing “shelter in place” or “stay home” orders but not in NC yet. A few counties in NC have closed schools but our county, Wake County, has not made that decision as of yet….

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Now That I Have Time

It is a very strange world we are living in at the moment. I do not believe any of us, any of you who are reading this, need another voice telling you what we should and should not be doing. I am certainly not trying to be that voice. I have started or tried starting…

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Fall Leaves

It is October and technically fall although here in NC we are breaking record highs and still dealing with temperatures in the mid 90s. Definitely not fall-like. Despite the ridiculous temperatures, I am doing all I can to usher in fall – my most very favorite season! I love the colors, the flavors, the clothing…

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