March 22, 2020 – Homemade Waffles

Another Sunday of worshiping online from home. A plus side of this situation is no one is rushed getting ready to get out the door. We can attend church in our pajamas and make time for breakfast together – even homemade waffles!

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March 21, 2020 – Art Therapy

Another Saturday. We spent a good bit of the afternoon drawing. I brought out all the art supplies – colored pencils, stickers, stamps, paper. We worked on a few cards and pictures to send to various friends as well as some residents of a long term care facility. Over the past week, most nursing and…

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March 20, 2020 – The Grocery Store

I went to the grocery store today. We only needed a few things, mostly for lunch and snacks for the week ahead. I debated all week whether to rely on Instacart or just go myself. Wednesday had been a really difficult day for me personally. The anxiety had been building. The first few days of…

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March 19, 2020 – Dance Dynamics Live Meetup

It is Thursday and the girls have now been home from school and dance for four full days. They miss their friends. They miss their routines and their normal life. Ms. Jessica brought a smile to their faces when she had a live meetup with some of the girls involved in the recital production number….

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March 18, 2020 – Cookies

The girls wanted to do some baking so we found a new recipe to try from The Cook’s Illustrated cookbook. I bought this cookbook maybe a year ago but had only tried a single recipe from it. We decided on brown sugar cookies. I supervised a little but mostly I was the photographer while I…

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March 17, 2020 – Food Problems

More people are getting anxious about the coronavirus pandemic and in the last couple of days there has been a mad dash to the grocery stores to stock up on anything and everything. Toilet paper, paper towels, and disinfectant wipes were some of the first items to go but even the meat counters, dairy, and…

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March 16, 2020 – New Routine

The first day of working from home while the girls are also home from school. There are no lesson plans or structured learning plans yet. For now, schools are only closed for a couple of weeks. I have the girls check school email and find a few extra resources to keep them busy and engaged….

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March 15, 2020 – Online Church

Our church began streaming Sunday morning services on Facebook two years ago when the second campus location first began meeting. Late Saturday night, our schools finally announced the same decision other counties had already made, and closed schools for the next two weeks, through March 27th. Many churches, the United Methodist Church included, decided to…

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