March 30, 2020 – Recipe Testing

Like many households, I am cooking way more these days. Even before our “stay home” order, I cooked dinner at least five times a week, usually giving myself a break and eating dinner out on weekends. Now, however, other than the once a week we are getting takeout from one of a handful of our…

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March 29, 2020 – Psalm 23 & Thanksgiving

Another Sunday church service from our loft. I finally figured out how to connect my laptop to the tv so we are no longer crowding around a small 15″ screen with poor audio. Some days I find the slowness more peaceful, restful and other days it is more somber. Today is a peaceful and restful…

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March 28, 2020 – Family Walks

We haven’t quite stuck to our daily walk routine. We’ve gone a few times but definitely not everyday. It is Saturday which means Ed is home with us which makes us very happy. We all went for a walk around the block while lunch was baking in the oven – a pan of lasagna courtesy…

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March 27, 2020 – Rule of Life

Well, today Governor Cooper made the announcement we all knew was coming and issued a “stay at home” order effective Monday at 5:00 pm through April 30th. Life is very weird right now. My moods seem to be on a pendulum, swinging back and forth from one end of acceptance and being okay with all…

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March 26, 2020 – Some Excitement

Today was actually a fairly exciting, eventful day. Definitely a change from the monotony of the past two weeks. While in the backyard with the dogs early this morning I found three 4-leaf clovers. Felt pretty lucky to me and I hoped it was a sign for a good day. Also, Amazon delivered toilet paper!!…

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March 25, 2020 – Spoiled Puppy

Meeko does not know what to think of the girls and I being home every day, all day. Before this pandemic even on weekends and vacation days we would leave the house at some point for something. He has anxious tendencies and I feel like being home so much is only exaggerating that tendency. He…

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March 24, 2020 – Spirit Day & Local Businesses

Samantha sports her 5th grade t-shirt today. I found it bunched up in the bottom of her backpack. She had forgotten all about it. Meeko is super clingy. Tonight’s family game night choice is Jenga! Businesses and restaurants are closed. We have a few new terms in our regular vocabulary now – ‘social distancing’ and…

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March 23, 2020 – Family Game Night

Today was a sad and sobering day. North Carolina schools are closed until May 15th. Many businesses are having to close as well, including our dance studio. NC is not yet under a stay at home order but we all know the decision is coming. It is just a matter of days. Tonight after dinner…

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