April 27, 2020 – Nature Art

Today Samantha had a fun art assignment. The assignment was to create a picture or a pattern using items found outside. She gathered sticks, crab apples, wild strawberries, pinecones, rocks, herbs and even a stray rose petal which must have blown from someone else’s yard. She then used all those items to make a picture…

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April 24 – April 26, 2020 – Processing

On Thursday afternoon, April 23rd, Governor Cooper announced the three-phase plan for re-opening NC. The ‘stay home’ order remains in effect until May 8th, at which time as long as the data supports the decision, the ‘stay home’ order will lighten in restrictions. Basically a few more businesses will be allowed to open. On Friday…

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April 23, 2020 – Sisters & Friends

It is true – the photo above is not a photo taken during our “coronavirus stay home” life but it best captures what I decided I wanted to write about here. When we found out we were having another girl 11 years ago, we were thrilled! Other than the joy of being able to reuse…

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April 22, 2020 – A Change of Scenery

Today the girls and had a picnic at Joyner Park. We needed to get outside and we needed a change of scenery. It has been weeks since the girls have been out of the neighborhood. The weather was beautiful. There were a lot of people at the park but the park is big and open…

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April 21, 2020 – Finding the Beauty

Right now this blog is a way I am documenting each day of this season for my family. I either take time right before bed or first thing the following morning to reflect on the day. I look through any photos I took and think through all the events of the day. My intention is…

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April 20, 2020 – We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Any day that ends with ice cream – especially if it is dairy free homemade ice cream – is a pretty good day in my book! It’s Monday. Back to school for the girls, back to work for me and Ed. The girls finished all their school work by lunch which was amazing! Dinner was…

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April 17 – April 19, 2020 – Weekend Recap

Even though Ed and I are still working – me from home, Ed still going to the warehouse every day – and the girls now have school from home, the weekdays and the weekends sometimes blur into one. There are only a few routines to keep them separated in my mind. Friday night has become…

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April 16, 2020 – Food is my Favorite

I woke up a couple of hours before my alarm this morning, feeling a little off, kind of down. Spring seems to have left overnight. The afternoon turned out nice but last night and this morning were chilly!! We had to turn the heat on last night. I’m really hoping we will be back to…

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