Take Me Back to Summer with Chorizo Tacos

Food evokes memories for me in the same way a song from my teenage years being played on the radio does. A photo of a meal shows up in my Google Photos as I am scrolling through and I am transported to another time. Sometimes it is a specific event but often I’m taken to…

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The Perfect Soft, Chewy Peanut Butter Cookie

Ed loves peanut butter so it was no surprise when I asked him what dessert he wanted for Father’s Day, his answer was peanut butter cookies. Specifically, he wanted the ones I made for the first time a couple of months ago when I was “quarantine baking” on the regular. Actually, his request was something…

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Summer is officially just days away and our last day of school was last week! Due to COVID-19, remote learning and a change in the school calendars for this year and next, the girls will have over a two month summer this year. This will definitely be the longest stretch of time I have been…

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May 14, 2020 – Family Walks

This week I realized the girls and I were all spending hours upon hours sitting down and most of the time in front of a computer. We are trying to be more intentional with our schedules and planned breaks throughout the day. Our daily walks from when this whole thing started had sort of died…

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May 13, 2020 – Samantha’s Cooking Demo

The girls have some really great teachers. I realize not everyone’s remote learning experience is going well and I wish that was not the case. I wish every student had teachers like ours who are in constant communication with the students and the parents, who are genuinely asking for feedback, how they can help the…

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May 11, 2020 – Harder Than I Imagined

Now that more of NC is starting to reopen I have wondered about what that may look like for our family. We collectively wondered what the first place would be – the first place we go to together as a family again. Will it be church? Our Friday night B3 gathering? A restaurant for an…

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May 8 – May 10, 2020 – Mother’s Day Weekend

Fresh flowers… Lots of lounging around… Watching old home videos from our wedding almost 16 years ago all the way through the girls at ages two and four… A lot of laughter… A couple of super hero movies watched… Some delicious food including one of my favorite summer snacks, strawberry-mango salsa with cinnamon sugar pita…

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