It is a very strange world we are living in at the moment. I do not believe any of us, any of you who are reading this, need another voice telling you what we should and should not be doing. I am certainly not trying to be that voice.

I have started or tried starting this blog a few times now over the past couple of years. Yes, years. I had a few posts up and deleted them. Added a few more and then ended up re-installing WordPress all together which, in case you don’t know, completely wipes out your blog and starts it over.

It just never right in all the times I tried to get a rhythm going, in all my attempts to design a cohesive look or theme or reason to my writing. I had convinced myself I couldn’t post or share until I had it perfected, until I was able to produce the perfect image I had in my head. And I certainly didn’t have the time to devote to this blog that I would have wanted.

But I certainly have time now.

I’m still working from home, a full 4o hours, in addition to now finding myself in the position of a homeschooling mom. But I still have time. No more errands to run or dropping off and picking up kids. So now felt like a good time to try this whole blogging thing one more time.

As I said in the beginning of this post, I do not believe this world needs another voice telling you what you should and should not be doing. And it isn’t that I don’t believe we need any of those voices – oh no, by far the opposite, we desperately need those wise and encouraging and hopeful voices right now guiding us in the right direction. But that is not what I’m going to try to do here.

I simply like writing. I like taking photographs. I like having a creative outlet and I like sharing things I come across that I find helpful and worthwhile.

So that is exactly what I’m going to do here…

Stay well, everyone!

Tiffany Faith