While there is definitely some monotony to our days, our weeks, right now, somehow the weekends have managed to feel different, special.

Our weekends are very simple right now which is pretty perfect if you ask me.

Blueberry Pancake Tray Bake
Blueberry Pancake Tray Bake

Ed is home. For the past couple of weeks we have worked on our little square foot garden. We are finally at the point of planting when I finally make it a point to order some seeds.

Grilled NC Shrimp, Grilled Zucchini, White Street "Louise" Blackberry Belgian Blonde
Grilled NC Shrimp, Grilled Zucchini, White Street “Louise” Blackberry Belgian Blonde

We always plan meals around the weather and what we can grill. We eat on the back porch as much as possible – breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.

We play board games – this MacGyver room escape game we have had for over a year and finally broke into it and it was so much fun and very different than most of the games we play. We completed mission one – four more to go! This will probably be part of our weekends for the next four weeks.

MacGyver Room Escape Game
MacGyver Room Escape Game

We watch a little more tv than usual and stay up a little later than we should.

We read. We lounge. We play. We rest.

Girls on the porch
Girls on the porch

I slow down enough to notice how grown up the girls are getting – it seems with each day.

My Teenager
My Teenager

While I am looking forward to the day we can attend church with our community and take communion and share hugs and hellos and see each other and worship together face to face, shoulder to shoulder, I’m hoping the slower pace of our weekends continues.

Online Church with Village Church Rolesville
Online Church with Village Church Rolesville
Tiffany Family, Food