Now that more of NC is starting to reopen I have wondered about what that may look like for our family.

We collectively wondered what the first place would be – the first place we go to together as a family again. Will it be church? Our Friday night B3 gathering? A restaurant for an actual sit-down meal? (Gabby is hoping it will be the beach!)

Monday, May 11th was our first official outing in six weeks. Gabby had an orthodontist appointment. Her last appointment was just before the “stay home” order for NC was put into effect so at that time it still felt like a pretty normal, typical appointment. Other than picking up take-out, the girls have not been anywhere since that day.

I have masks for all of us and was prepared to wear them but I was not prepared with the choice I faced when we arrived and checked in. Only one person could wait with Gabby which meant I had to decide who would wait by themselves.

In the grand scheme of things, it was not a life-altering decision but when not prepared for that choice, when the reality of how different life has to be right now smacks you in the face for the first time, it is a very heavy feeling – at least it was for me.

Gabby waited in the office by herself while Samantha and I waited at the end of the hallway outside of the office. None of us were happy. We weren’t happy about being separated. We were uncomfortable in the masks. It was a little bit of a shock to our system.

It was a brief appointment fortunately but it was a harsh start for the start of our day and the start of our week.

Tiffany Faith, Family