I left the house today for a doctor’s appointment I scheduled over a month ago.

The doctor’s office is next to Wake Med North Hospital. I was not sure what to expect. The office building was very quiet. There was only one other person in the waiting room. All of the usual magazines were seemingly replaced with hand sanitizer stations.

I did not have to wait long to be called back. The nurse and my doctor were both so friendly. We all have kids close to the same age and were discussing the school situation and the plans for remote learning.

On the way home it hit me how much that face to face conversation meant to me, how much it changed my mood even. I am an introvert and I can honestly go a while staying home and being to myself but everyone needs some interaction outside of their home, outside of their family from time to time.

It was just so interesting the impact that small connection to community had on me and how much I had missed something I considered so normal once upon a time.

I was not feeling well after my appointment so I took the afternoon off work, took a nap and did a little snuggling with Meeko. Does he not have just the sweetest little face?!

Tiffany Faith