Like many households, I am cooking way more these days. Even before our “stay home” order, I cooked dinner at least five times a week, usually giving myself a break and eating dinner out on weekends.

Now, however, other than the once a week we are getting takeout from one of a handful of our favorite local restaurants, I am cooking dinner every day. I am cooking and preparing lunch at least three or four days and breakfast at least once on the weekends.

That’s a lot of cooking! (and the worst part, that’s a lot of dirty dishes!)

Fortunately I love to cook (and possibly more fortunate, the girls are old enough to do the dishes!).

Due to the food and grocery situation, I can’t plan out all my meals the same way I used to but instead I will plan the next 3-4 meals based on the ingredients we have on hand and what needs to be used up first.

I have looked to many of my cookbooks I haven’t used in a while for inspiration. We as a family now have some new recipes we want to keep in regular rotation when possible!

Gabby’s favorite food is fried chicken. I do not fry chicken. I have made legitimate fried chicken one time in my life when I was pregnant with Gabby actually, and while it was delicious, the amount of time it took and the mess I made confirmed for me fried chicken would be a dish we would get elsewhere!

I stumbled upon the recipe pictured above in my Better Homes & Garden cookbook. You know the one – the red and white checkered binder cookbook. The secret to the crunchy crust – crushed Ritz crackers and butter!

A definite “make again” recipe!

Tiffany Food