Well, today Governor Cooper made the announcement we all knew was coming and issued a “stay at home” order effective Monday at 5:00 pm through April 30th.

Life is very weird right now.

My moods seem to be on a pendulum, swinging back and forth from one end of acceptance and being okay with all this to the other end of being completely freaked out and super anxious about all the uncertainty while also experiencing all those subtle mood swings in between.

I have a couple of saving graces right now, a few rhythms, routines and resources helping me deal with the ever changing situation and uncertainty of the world.

My daily scripture and prayer time is one. Before I touch my phone, right after I make a cup of coffee, the first thing I do each day is sit in my rocking chair, get out my Bible, my journal and my Lent devotion and prayer journal. I spend no less than a half-hour right there with God.

The Bridgetown Daily podcast is another life saver. The brief messages each day bring a healthy perspective and much needed structure for my soul.

Today with guidance from Bridgetown Church, I created a Rule of Life for myself for this time in which we are staying home in order to save lives. I do not live this out perfectly every day but the difference it makes on days I do well with it is mind boggling.

You can find the explanation and template of sorts here if you are interested in creating your own Rule of Life, for now or for always.

Also, today the girls decorated their cookies I picked up yesterday. They were adorable and delicious!

Samantha's cookies
Gabby's cookies
Tiffany Faith