I went to the grocery store today. We only needed a few things, mostly for lunch and snacks for the week ahead.

I debated all week whether to rely on Instacart or just go myself. Wednesday had been a really difficult day for me personally. The anxiety had been building. The first few days of the week included too many uncertainties and too many bad news reports. Ultimately I decided with the state of empty grocery store shelves and the likelihood of needing to make my own substitutions plus really needing to get out of my house, I decided to do the shopping myself.

It was the most bizarre feeling. The entire time I felt off, odd, as if I was doing something wrong or something scary.

The grocery store was not busy. I was surprised by the empty shelves. There was still some food to be purchased but many departments were scarce or completely empty.

I had decided before even leaving the house I was going to buy a small bouquet of flowers. I needed something to cheer me up.

The gerber daisies and bright colors did just that! As well as the very kind cashier and bagger. Their small talk conversation and smiling faces put me at ease after a rather uneasy shopping experience.

Tiffany Family, Food