The first day of working from home while the girls are also home from school. There are no lesson plans or structured learning plans yet. For now, schools are only closed for a couple of weeks.

I have the girls check school email and find a few extra resources to keep them busy and engaged. I even made a chart for our daily schedule, working in some creative time and free time as well.

The day is going well. We decide to start a new habit for the next couple of weeks and take Meeko for a walk everyday.

It had been some time since Meeko went for a walk and he was very distracted and less than thrilled.

But it was nice for the rest of us to get outside, get some fresh air, and exercise.

Sadly, our dance studio decided to close temporarily as well, through March 27th. The girls have choreography videos for most of their classes so they commit to using the videos to have “at home” dance class everyday.

Girls working on the production number.
Tiffany Family