Happy New Year!

It is hard to wrap my head around it now being 2022. I’ve caught myself at least a handful of times writing ‘2021’ just in the past couple of days.

The incredibly surreal year of 2020 feels like an eternity ago and just minutes ago at the same time. Last year was just as surprising and unreal in many ways. Even referring to 2021 as ‘last year’ feels forced.

Like many people (seemingly everyone maybe?) I have high hopes for 2022. I will admit after the past two years I feel almost entitled to a better year. After the past two years who can blame anyone for wanting more, hoping for better, from 2022.

Not that all of 2020 and 2021 were terrible. Those two years had their fill of disappointments, anxiety, and sadness but upon reflection, I can look back on many joyful moments as well.

Actually, some of the biggest and best changes I made, why I am especially hopeful for 2022, came about through some of the most difficult moments of the past two years.

Possibly the biggest change I made was leaving my job after 21 years with the same company. It was a very difficult decision to make for many reasons and the absolute right decision for many other reasons.

Now that my days are not filled with the corporate 9 to 5, I have been cooking more, writing a little more, and getting back in touch with the creative, artistic side of myself. I look forward to sharing a lot more on all those things in this little space of mine.

One morning last week I came across this brief prayer in one of my devotions and it deeply spoke to my heart, my hope, for this year:

God, may this be the start of a richly productive year of inspiration. Lord, I yield myself to Your creative nature in me. Open my imagination to fresh ideas and connections that I too may uncover ‘hidden things.’ Amen

Tiffany Faith

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