Food Bucket List – Squash Blossoms

Do you have a “bucket list” – a list of things you want to do, places you want to visit, in your lifetime? I think most of us do even if it is a loose list of ideas kept in our minds, never written down or shared with anyone else. I have several such bucket…

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Take Me Back to Summer with Chorizo Tacos

Food evokes memories for me in the same way a song from my teenage years being played on the radio does. A photo of a meal shows up in my Google Photos as I am scrolling through and I am transported to another time. Sometimes it is a specific event but often I’m taken to…

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The Perfect Soft, Chewy Peanut Butter Cookie

Ed loves peanut butter so it was no surprise when I asked him what dessert he wanted for Father’s Day, his answer was peanut butter cookies. Specifically, he wanted the ones I made for the first time a couple of months ago when I was “quarantine baking” on the regular. Actually, his request was something…

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