Cook the Book: The Comfortable Kitchen, Recipe 3/105

While this may only be the 3rd recipe out of a total 105 I’m sharing, as of the date of this post, I have made about 20 recipes from Alex Snodgrass’s second cookbook “The Comfortable Kitchen” and I already know it will be one I make again and again. Shrimp Brochette Skillet with Poblano Rice…

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Cook the Book: The Comfortable Kitchen, Recipe 2/105

“Mom’s Anchovy Pasta” I made this dish for the first time for dinner on New Year’s day. We had had a busy day starting with packing up the outdoor Christmas decorations and spending the afternoon driving through Ed’s hometown, about an hour away. The weather was beautiful, with high temps in the 70s. It was…

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A Taste of Home: Conch Stew

There are dishes that take me back to my childhood. Making conch stew for the first time not only gave me a taste of home but made me think about my heritage, my family history, in ways I had not before and gave me the opportunity to share a taste of home with my husband…

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Cook the Book: The Comfortable Kitchen

I first heard the idea of cooking through the entirety of a cookbook just a few years ago and was immediately attracted to the idea. I have an ever-growing collection of cookbooks. Currently, I have two cookbooks on preorder and I often will pick a new one up, spur of the moment, while I’m browsing…

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Food Bucket List – Squash Blossoms

Do you have a “bucket list” – a list of things you want to do, places you want to visit, in your lifetime? I think most of us do even if it is a loose list of ideas kept in our minds, never written down or shared with anyone else. I have several such bucket…

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Take Me Back to Summer with Chorizo Tacos

Food evokes memories for me in the same way a song from my teenage years being played on the radio does. A photo of a meal shows up in my Google Photos as I am scrolling through and I am transported to another time. Sometimes it is a specific event but often I’m taken to…

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