April 9, 2020 – The Girls

I knew they missed their friends… I knew they missed their dance classes… I knew they missed their routines… I also felt like they were probably accepting and adjusting to this season of life a lot easier than I am most days. We spent a good part of today out front again. The girls drew…

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April 8, 2020 – A Troubled Heart

It is Wednesday. Feels quiet. Solemn. Every morning I continue to start the day reading through my Lent devotion. I am reading through Ecclesiastes and a Psalm each day as part of the “Every Broken Thing” guide created by Erin Moon. Ecclesiastes. Wow. I’m reading it I believe for the first ever and it is…

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April 7, 2020 – Hard Days

It is just difficult to feel like getting out of bed on some days. Today was just that for Samantha. It ended up being fine. She got out of bed. We got outside for some more driveway chalk art just in time before some rain rolled in. Next Monday the girls officially begin remote learning…

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April 1, 2020 – Pause

“That Sounds Fun with Annie F. Downs” is one of my favorite podcasts. New regular episodes release every Monday and Thursday. I get a lot, and I mean a lot, of my book recommendations from her and her podcast guests. Normally I listen to the episodes the same day they are released but I have…

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March 31, 2020 – Out of the House

I left the house today for a doctor’s appointment I scheduled over a month ago. The doctor’s office is next to Wake Med North Hospital. I was not sure what to expect. The office building was very quiet. There was only one other person in the waiting room. All of the usual magazines were seemingly…

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March 29, 2020 – Psalm 23 & Thanksgiving

Another Sunday church service from our loft. I finally figured out how to connect my laptop to the tv so we are no longer crowding around a small 15″ screen with poor audio. Some days I find the slowness more peaceful, restful and other days it is more somber. Today is a peaceful and restful…

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March 27, 2020 – Rule of Life

Well, today Governor Cooper made the announcement we all knew was coming and issued a “stay at home” order effective Monday at 5:00 pm through April 30th. Life is very weird right now. My moods seem to be on a pendulum, swinging back and forth from one end of acceptance and being okay with all…

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March 21, 2020 – Art Therapy

Another Saturday. We spent a good bit of the afternoon drawing. I brought out all the art supplies – colored pencils, stickers, stamps, paper. We worked on a few cards and pictures to send to various friends as well as some residents of a long term care facility. Over the past week, most nursing and…

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