For the New Year

Happy New Year! It is hard to wrap my head around it now being 2022. I’ve caught myself at least a handful of times writing ‘2021’ just in the past couple of days. The incredibly surreal year of 2020 feels like an eternity ago and just minutes ago at the same time. Last year was…

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May 11, 2020 – Harder Than I Imagined

Now that more of NC is starting to reopen I have wondered about what that may look like for our family. We collectively wondered what the first place would be – the first place we go to together as a family again. Will it be church? Our Friday night B3 gathering? A restaurant for an…

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May 6, 2020 – Psalm 46

This is my second draft for the May 6th post. The first draft was written the morning of May 7th but never published. It is now 6 days later and I realize why I never published the May 6th post and why I have not posted anything since… As I look back over the past…

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April 30, 2020 – Three Questions for April

One of my favorite authors, Emily P. Freeman sends out an email the end of every month sharing three questions she has asked herself when reflecting on the month. Here are the questions with April along with my answers to each below. What was the funniest thing that happened in April? What do I miss?…

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April 24 – April 26, 2020 – Processing

On Thursday afternoon, April 23rd, Governor Cooper announced the three-phase plan for re-opening NC. The ‘stay home’ order remains in effect until May 8th, at which time as long as the data supports the decision, the ‘stay home’ order will lighten in restrictions. Basically a few more businesses will be allowed to open. On Friday…

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April 21, 2020 – Finding the Beauty

Right now this blog is a way I am documenting each day of this season for my family. I either take time right before bed or first thing the following morning to reflect on the day. I look through any photos I took and think through all the events of the day. My intention is…

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April 12, 2020 – Easter

I did not sleep well last night. I woke up around 2:00 am so thirsty. I finally dragged myself out of bed around 3:00 to get some water. I tried all my usual tricks when I wake up in the middle of the night – listened to my Calm sleep app, put on my sleep…

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April 10, 2020 – Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. The girls and I played a game of Clue. The last time we played this game was years ago and the girls did not quite understand the strategy behind the game. They did well this time though. Samantha won. We watched a move after lunch – “Cool Runnings” – entirely their…

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