I knew they missed their friends…

I knew they missed their dance classes…

I knew they missed their routines…

I also felt like they were probably accepting and adjusting to this season of life a lot easier than I am most days.

We spent a good part of today out front again. The girls drew some new artwork on the driveway. We had Meeko out with us on a leash. We took a bottle of bubbles out and he was chasing them, trying to catch them.

Gabby was drawing The Monster from the show The Masked Singer (we just started watching over the past few weeks) in front of the steps while Samantha and I sat, with Meeko in Samantha’s lap.

Gabby drawing on the sidewalk

Samantha casually said, “Meeko, you sure are going to miss us when we go back to school.”

After asking her, “what if you don’t go back this school year?” she took it in stride and was not bothered by it.

Samantha & Meeko

She simply said she liked her days like this. As long as she could have Google Meetups to see her classmates, she was okay doing school from home. As long as she could still have a 5th grade graduation she would be fine with this. She enjoys what she calls “shorter” days and having more free time.

Gabby felt a little differently. She is enjoying having more free time than she usually has but she misses school. She misses her friends. She misses her routine. She misses seeing people. She admitted that is why she insists on hanging out in the front yard more than the back these days – because while she can’t get close to anyone, she at least can see people as they walk in the neighborhood, drive past the house.

I have tried getting them to open up to me over the past couple of weeks with no luck but this casual, small talk in the front yard gave me at least a little insight on what is going on in those minds and hearts.

Tiffany Faith, Family