It is true – the photo above is not a photo taken during our “coronavirus stay home” life but it best captures what I decided I wanted to write about here.

When we found out we were having another girl 11 years ago, we were thrilled!

Other than the joy of being able to reuse all of the adorable baby girl outfits again, I was excited for Gabby, for her to have a sister, the two of them to have each other.

Having a sister and brothers, I can honestly say the relationships are all special and important and cherished in all different ways. But I can be honest with my sister, especially once we were both adults, and confide in her ways I do not with anyone else.

My sister also has all girls – three in fact – and when I saw the cuteness of her three littles, I was excited for my own little girls!

My hope was and is still always for my two girls to love each other and trust each other, to be there for one another, to value their relationship, always.

Matching night gowns & big sister awe

It is not always perfect – far, far from perfect. There are arguments over the bathroom and privacy especially now that we have one teenager and one almost teen. They get on each other’s nerves. And it seems like someone always has their feelings hurt or maybe being a little over sensitive at times.

But last night, as I got myself out of bed to say goodnight to the girls, I found them both in Gabby’s room on her bed. Gabby sat criss-cross and Samantha was laying down under her blanket. They had planned to play “Just Dance” before bed but somehow after they were both showered and ready for bed, they found themselves in Gabby’s room instead.

When I went in the room to tell them it was lights out, they laughed and said “oh yeah, we were going to play Just Dance.”

There are times when this would have caused problems. I would have gotten an earful of complaining and grumbling because “she said she would do this and now we don’t have time” or something of the sort, but not last night.

It didn’t bother them that they had run out of time to do what they had planned.

I have no idea what they talked about and I won’t ask – that is between two sisters.

But it warmed my heart to say good night to them with smiles on their faces, happy to have hung out for that little bit, no complaints or wishing they had spent the time doing anything else.

I have seen their relationship changing over the years and as Gabby became closer and closer to being a teenager I worried about Samantha, the younger one, feeling left out or left behind. But that hasn’t happened and I think this time of them having each other and not really anyone else at least face to face, will only strengthen that bond.

And I am so grateful for these two girls of mine, sisters and their blooming friendship.

Tiffany Family