Right now this blog is a way I am documenting each day of this season for my family. I either take time right before bed or first thing the following morning to reflect on the day. I look through any photos I took and think through all the events of the day.

My intention is not to track every little thing we say or do or eat every day but after reflecting on the day as a whole, to post what stood out, whether it be something “big” or “small”, trying to focus of course on the positives as much as possible while being very real and honest.

So this morning, as I am writing, I could have honestly gone a number of ways with this post for April 21, 2020.

For instance, the idea of shopping for paper towels and eventually toilet paper in the coming days pushed me to tears. I do not fear getting sick or bringing home germs to my family but the overall unknown – not knowing what to expect when shopping in a store for the first time in over six weeks, experiencing for the first time how much a normal activity such as shopping has changed.

Another example, as I look at the to-do list I made for yesterday I have laundry listed twice. Twice. That’s how important laundry is right now. And guess what did not get done yesterday…laundry. Just a small example of how the day did not go as I had set out yesterday morning.

But I am choosing instead to title and try to focus this post and my view on yesterday as finding the beauty. I believe if we take the time, enough time, to pause and look around, there is beauty to be found in every situation, in every circumstance.

plants on the porch

As I sat on my porch for the first time late yesterday afternoon, after the paper towel tears and the constant distractions and change of plans, I noticed the warm sunshine, the gentle breeze, and how in just the right light, at just the right angle, the leaves of one of my plants (a ‘wandering jew’ I believe) is a beautiful almost iridescent purple.

Shimmery purple leaf

Inside under artificial light and at most angles, these leaves are green, front and back, no question green. Still beautiful, but expected.

But in just the right light, at just the right angle, these same leaves are a surprising shimmery purple.

purples & greens of a leaf

I know the troubles of my day yesterday are nothing compared to what so many people and families are enduring right now. I recognize it is easier for me to find beauty in the day when possibly the worst part of my day involved the thought of shopping for paper towels…

But I still believe, even in the worst of situations, God does show up and provide something beautiful, even in the smallest of ways, if we only pause long enough to really look.

Tiffany Faith