Any day that ends with ice cream – especially if it is dairy free homemade ice cream – is a pretty good day in my book!

It’s Monday. Back to school for the girls, back to work for me and Ed.

The girls finished all their school work by lunch which was amazing!

Dinner was a bit of a debate – were we having tacos or burritos? I called them tacos. Ed thought because of the way I folded the tortillas they were burritos. I thought burritos had to have rice or beans and we were having just ground beef with peppers and onions.

We let Google decide and because of the size of the tortilla I guess we had burritos. (Although the tortilla packet said “soft taco” on the size sooo….I’m still not convinced I was wrong.)

Of all the times I do not take a photo of our dinner it would be the time dinner was up for a debate! Oh well!

But I was sure to capture a photo of the ice cream!

We have had a couple of ice cream makers over the years but they were the old fashioned (I question the term ‘old fashion’ since technically I’m not sure you can call something that ran on electricity truly ‘old fashion’) kind that took a bag of ice, lots of salt and a couple of hours at least. We finally upgraded with a Cuisinart ice cream maker which had been on my wish list for quite a while now.

It was so easy!

Coconut milk, vanilla bean, vanilla extract, sugar, and a pinch of salt and 28 minutes later we had a perfect soft serve ice cream! None of us could wait the additional time required in the freezer to make it a firm ice cream.

With a cherry on top no less! And in the pink depression glass bowls which belonged to Ed’s mom.

Tiffany Family, Food