Another new vocabulary word for the girls – remote learning.

Today school started back after three weeks with structured learning and lessons online.

Our teachers have been fabulous over the past three weeks. We have gotten numerous emails, keeping us informed of plans and decisions and sometimes just checking in to say hello to their students who they miss.

The girls were excited I think. They woke up to their alarms at 7:00 am and quickly ate breakfast and got ready for the day. They were sitting at their desks just a little after 8:00 ready to begin their day.

Overall it went very well. We had a few technical issues to iron out, a few ground rules to get clear since the girls are sharing their “classroom” while I am upstairs working from my home office (a desk in my bedroom).

The girls finished up their school work just after lunch and then completed a couple of chores before chatting with friends.

The first day was good. I am hopeful about the rest of the week. I hope after another couple of days we have established a good routine, set some good boundaries and realistic expectations.

Tiffany Family