I did not sleep well last night. I woke up around 2:00 am so thirsty. I finally dragged myself out of bed around 3:00 to get some water.

I tried all my usual tricks when I wake up in the middle of the night – listened to my Calm sleep app, put on my sleep mask, rolled a little lavendar on my neck – none of it helped.

There were just too many thoughts running through my mind.

One of those thoughts was this blog, or rather using this blog to document our life right now.

I can look back over the years and God often speaks to me and inspires me in the middle of the night.

I got out of bed at 5:00 and got to work. A couple of weeks ago, I created a Google photo album to keep all the photos I have been taking each day. I also keep a journal most days so it was easy to go back and get each day documented, starting with March 14th, the day I knew life was changing and we were beginning a very new season.

We watched the Easter church service online. While I have of course missed worshiping together with friends, I have enjoyed the services online. But today was difficult to get into. The songs and the sermons were still good but the grief I felt for all the ways this Easter was so different (and maybe the lack of sleep as well) was too much I guess.

It just felt heavy today.

We gave the girls their Easter baskets.

It was another day on the Traeger for Ed double smoking the ham while I made a couple of simple sides.

Double Smoked Ham
Glazing the ham

I made a blackberry roll with lemon sauce from a cookbook that belonged to Ed’s great grandmother on his mom’s side. It was delicious!

I took a very long nap on the couch. I honestly have no idea what everyone else was doing while I slept.

We ate dessert for dinner.

It is an early bedtime tonight.

Tomorrow remote learning for the girls begins!

Tiffany Faith, Family, Food