Today is Good Friday.

The girls and I played a game of Clue. The last time we played this game was years ago and the girls did not quite understand the strategy behind the game. They did well this time though. Samantha won.

A game of Clue

We watched a move after lunch – “Cool Runnings” – entirely their choice!

After our movie we drove to church where Denelle, our Family Ministries Director, had created a drive-thru Stations of the Cross experience. At each station, we could scan a QR code and listen to one of our church leaders read the description of the station.

So many things about Easter are different this year. The Stations of the Cross is usually an experience for one of the children’s groups, Club 4/5, on the Friday they meet before Easter. This was the contingency plan of sorts since social gatherings are cancelled.

It was different this year but still very special. We got to experience it together as a family.

Good Friday scripture

It gave me goosebumps seeing the line of cars in front and behind ours, each one pausing briefly at each station.

A very cheerful moment in the day was the delivery of some tulips I had ordered to brighten up our dinner table for Easter Sunday!

Tiffany Faith, Family